38. Maintain Harmony and Balance

Baoding Balls

Rotating Baoding balls (also called Iron Balls or Chinese Medicine Balls) in the hand promotes good health, according to tenets of traditional Chinese medicine. Whether or not the claim is accurate, these therapeutic balls from Hebei, China can serve to remind us of the necessity of harmony.

Two Baoding balls in good condition rotate smoothly around each other in the hand as chimes inside the hollow spheres produce a pleasant, relaxing tone. A skilled practitioner can rotate them without the two touching each other. The two spheres work together for the intended health of the body. If someone cut a chunk out of a ball, destroying the completeness of the sphere, the two would not rotate smoothly together. They would likely not work very well at all.

When the various aspects of the spiritual life are kept whole and in balance, they promote the health of your soul. So, nurture harmony within your soul. Bring all your thoughts, opinions, and actions into harmony with the Spirit-guided mind, vision, and life of the Church. Be consistent. Align both your rational mind and your heart with the Way of Christ. If you do this, you will be able to see clearly, think soberly with wisdom, and live well in truth and love. 

Ensure that your external action, what you do every day, remains in harmony with who you are within. Contradiction between your being and your doing promotes dysfunction and chaos. Instead, promote wholeness and wellness through harmony.

Your body must be brought into harmony with your soul. Always maintain both your soul and your body in purity. You cannot live a truly spiritual life if you misuse your body. If you are unmarried, guard the virginity of both your soul and body. If you are a man married to a woman or a woman married to a man, maintain purity in your own soul while extending self-denying love and absolute fidelity (loyalty and faithfulness) to your only beloved. Guard your marriage as you guard your soul. 

We are called to speak the truth in love and to love others according to the truth. No opposition exists between truth and love. You may be accused of being unloving by someone who does not understanding the fullness of Truth. You may be accused of being narrow-minded and ignorant by someone who misunderstands the fullness of Love. Truth and love are sisters who should always be kept together. 



You do not need to look to man-made craftsmanship or symbols to see harmony. The Creator has filled the creation with harmonious balance and symmetry. A bird cannot fly with one wing. Neither can you live well and ascend toward your potential by practicing some aspects of the Way while ignoring other complimentary elements.

Generally, the health of your human body depends on the various systems working properly and cooperating together. A chemical or hormonal imbalance dramatically affects health. The health of your soul also depends on maintaining balance. If you live the whole Way, you will find balance.

You are still imperfect and in the process of healing. When you find disharmony in your life – in your heart, your thoughts, or your actions – immediately repent. Change your mind and your heart. Correct your behavior. Turn away from whatever is causing the dysfunction and, with humility and obedience, bring yourself into harmony with Christ and His pure teaching. Set things right. Bring more and more of yourself into alignment with the Way of Life. 

You must constantly repent in order to make progress. Whatever you do to promote harmony through repentance will prepare your soul for God’s healing, transforming Grace to work within you.

Read: Ephesians 4.11-16; Colossians 3.1-17; 1 Corinthians 6.12-20; 13.1-13; 1 John 3


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / Photo of Baoding balls copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees