69. Holy Relics

Reliquary with Apostles

The bones of the Saints are kept as precious treasures within our Holy Altars and in reliquaries. Why is this?

The human being is a unity of soul and body. God became Incarnate in a human body with a human soul and raised up the physical human body with the soul to an immortal existence. We participate in the mystical and ascetic life of the Church with both soul and body. Our salvation is not complete until we receive our resurrected physical immortal bodies at the end of the age.

Since the human being is a unity of body and soul, the experience of Divine Grace affects both the soul and the body. Remember how Christ’s body shined with Divine Glory on Mt. Thabor. Even after the Saints end their lives on earth, the Divine Grace remains within their bones while their souls rest with Christ until they receive their immortal bodies at the resurrection.

The Presence of God preserves some bodies of the Saints so entirely that they do not decay. The bones of some Saints miraculously flow with fragrant oil, used for anointing the Faithful. God works wonders through His Saints, even through their bones long after they have completed this life in faith. Since the Grace of God remains in these holy bodily temples, we venerate the relics and pray that the Grace of God dwelling in them may touch, heal, and sanctify us.

You are called to participate in the Grace that makes Saints so that your soul and body may become holy, a true temple where the Holy Spirit is pleased to dwell.

Read: 4 Kingdoms (2 Kings) 13.20-21


Text copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / Image copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees