85. Mosaic Icon: Order Your Life Well


The process of making a mosaic icon of Christ requires the iconographer to carefully place small pieces of colored glass or stone, one by one, into a particular pattern. When the individual pieces are well-ordered, the mosaic presents a clear image of Christ. If the mosaic tiles are not well-placed, then the image of Christ is strangely distorted or even unrecognisable.     

The Orthodox Way is like a mosaic icon. People around us who identify with non-Orthodox religions and ideologies share some of the individual aspects of the Orthodox Way. They have some of the same or similar “pieces” that we do. For example, you can find the Golden Rule, indicating that we should treat others as we would want to be treated, as a basic principle in multiple religions and philosophies. Outside of the Church, many people believe in God, or gods, or at least have a sense of spirituality. Throughout the world, people consult authoritative writings, spend time in meditation or prayer, follow rituals, help the poor, or practice asceticism. Yet, all the other paths lack very important pieces and the individual similarities held in common with the Orthodox Faith are incapable of presenting a whole picture that reflects complete Truth. Non-Orthodox Christian sects in schism from the Holy Orthodox Church have much in common with the Orthodox, but even seemingly small differences distort the Truth as a whole. When an individual embraces (in heart, mind, and action) the Truth that is Holy Orthodoxy, all the various aspects of Holy Orthodoxy together point him or her to the God-Man Jesus Christ and the Way of salvation.

We are individually like mosaics, too. If you firmly hold to the Truth in your mind and heart and live it in your daily life, the various aspects of your life shall be well-ordered. Your inner life and your daily lifestyle will reflect the image of Christ. Since Christ, the God-Man, shows us what a perfect human person looks like, the more we are like Christ, the more authentically human we shall be. The more your mosaic “pieces” fit together harmoniously, the more you will share in His perfection and serve as a living icon of Christ to others. On the other hand, if your inner life and daily lifestyle are confused, then you will present to others a distorted or even unrecognisable image of Christ.

Jesus Christ has given us His Church to teach us and form us so that the good and useful things in our lives may be properly arranged, what doesn’t fit can be discarded, and what we lack can be added.

Keep the Truth in your heart and mind whole and unaltered. Do not let sin or heresy distort your soul. If you have failed to be a faithful representation of Christ, then repent with humility and follow the Way. God repairs poor icons. He heals the soul and holds all the aspects of our lives together in harmonious unity.

Read: 2 Corinthians 3.12-18


Text copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / Mosaic icon in the photo by Aidan Hart