38. Maintain Harmony and Balance

Baoding Balls

Rotating Baoding balls (also called Iron Balls or Chinese Medicine Balls) in the hand promotes good health, according to tenets of traditional Chinese medicine. Whether or not the claim is accurate, these therapeutic balls from Hebei, China can serve to remind us of the necessity of harmony.

Two Baoding balls in good condition rotate smoothly around each other in the hand as chimes inside the hollow spheres produce a pleasant, relaxing tone. A skilled practitioner can rotate them without the two touching each other. The two spheres work together for the intended health of the body. If someone cut a chunk out of a ball, destroying the completeness of the sphere, the two would not rotate smoothly together. They would likely not work very well at all.

When the various aspects of the spiritual life are kept whole and in balance, they promote the health of your soul. So, nurture harmony within your soul. Bring all your thoughts, opinions, and actions into harmony with the Spirit-guided mind, vision, and life of the Church. Be consistent. Align both your rational mind and your heart with the Way of Christ. If you do this, you will be able to see clearly, think soberly with wisdom, and live well in truth and love. 

Ensure that your external action, what you do every day, remains in harmony with who you are within. Contradiction between your being and your doing promotes dysfunction and chaos. Instead, promote wholeness and wellness through harmony.

Your body must be brought into harmony with your soul. Always maintain both your soul and your body in purity. You cannot live a truly spiritual life if you misuse your body. If you are unmarried, guard the virginity of both your soul and body. If you are a man married to a woman or a woman married to a man, maintain purity in your own soul while extending self-denying love and absolute fidelity (loyalty and faithfulness) to your only beloved. Guard your marriage as you guard your soul. 

We are called to speak the truth in love and to love others according to the truth. No opposition exists between truth and love. You may be accused of being unloving by someone who does not understanding the fullness of Truth. You may be accused of being narrow-minded and ignorant by someone who misunderstands the fullness of Love. Truth and love are sisters who should always be kept together. 



You do not need to look to man-made craftsmanship or symbols to see harmony. The Creator has filled the creation with harmonious balance and symmetry. A bird cannot fly with one wing. Neither can you live well and ascend toward your potential by practicing some aspects of the Way while ignoring other complimentary elements.

Generally, the health of your human body depends on the various systems working properly and cooperating together. A chemical or hormonal imbalance dramatically affects health. The health of your soul also depends on maintaining balance. If you live the whole Way, you will find balance.

You are still imperfect and in the process of healing. When you find disharmony in your life – in your heart, your thoughts, or your actions – immediately repent. Change your mind and your heart. Correct your behavior. Turn away from whatever is causing the dysfunction and, with humility and obedience, bring yourself into harmony with Christ and His pure teaching. Set things right. Bring more and more of yourself into alignment with the Way of Life. 

You must constantly repent in order to make progress. Whatever you do to promote harmony through repentance will prepare your soul for God’s healing, transforming Grace to work within you.

Read: Ephesians 4.11-16; Colossians 3.1-17; 1 Corinthians 6.12-20; 13.1-13; 1 John 3


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / Photo of Baoding balls copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees

36. The Practical Lifestyle of the Way


An Orthodox Christian must strive to live a holy, virtuous life, but how do you practically apply virtue every day? What specific behavior is in harmony with the Way of Life, promoting the healing of the soul, and what actions are opposed to the Way of Life?

The Didache, an ancient text formally known as The Lord’s Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations, includes a summary of Christ’s commandments. A selection from The Didache follows. Learn The Teaching and dedicate yourselves to practicing it every moment of every day so that you may live a healthful lifestyle, oriented toward God.


The Didache

Chapter 1. The Two Ways and the First Commandment. 

There are two ways, one of life and one of death, but a great difference between the two ways. The way of life, then, is this: First, you shall love God who made you; second, love your neighbor as yourself, and do not do to another what you would not want done to you. And of these sayings the teaching is this: Bless those who curse you, and pray for your enemies, and fast for those who persecute you. For what reward is there for loving those who love you? Do not the Gentiles do the same? But love those who hate you, and you shall not have an enemy. Abstain from fleshly and worldly lusts. If someone strikes your right cheek, turn to him the other also, and you shall be perfect. If someone impresses you for one mile, go with him two. If someone takes your cloak, give him also your coat. If someone takes from you what is yours, ask it not back, for indeed you are not able. Give to every one who asks you, and ask it not back; for the Father wills that to all should be given of our own blessings (free gifts). Happy is he who gives according to the commandment, for he is guiltless. Woe to him who receives; for if one receives who has need, he is guiltless; but he who receives not having need shall pay the penalty, why he received and for what. And coming into confinement, he shall be examined concerning the things which he has done, and he shall not escape from there until he pays back the last penny. And also concerning this, it has been said, Let your alms sweat in your hands, until you know to whom you should give.

Chapter 2. The Second Commandment: Grave Sin Forbidden. 

And the second commandment of the Teaching; You shall not commit murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not commit pederasty, you shall not commit fornication, you shall not steal, you shall not practice magic, you shall not practice witchcraft, you shall not murder a child by abortion nor kill that which is born. You shall not covet the things of your neighbor, you shall not swear, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not speak evil, you shall bear no grudge. You shall not be double-minded nor double-tongued, for to be double-tongued is a snare of death. Your speech shall not be false, nor empty, but fulfilled by deed. You shall not be covetous, nor rapacious, nor a hypocrite, nor evil disposed, nor haughty. You shall not take evil counsel against your neighbor. You shall not hate any man; but some you shall reprove, and concerning some you shall pray, and some you shall love more than your own life.

Chapter 3. Other Sins Forbidden. 

My child, flee from every evil thing, and from every likeness of it. Be not prone to anger, for anger leads to murder. Be neither jealous, nor quarrelsome, nor of hot temper, for out of all these murders are engendered. My child, be not a lustful one. for lust leads to fornication. Be neither a filthy talker, nor of lofty eye, for out of all these adulteries are engendered. My child, be not an observer of omens, since it leads to idolatry. Be neither an enchanter, nor an astrologer, nor a purifier, nor be willing to took at these things, for out of all these idolatry is engendered. My child, be not a liar, since a lie leads to theft. Be neither money-loving, nor vainglorious, for out of all these thefts are engendered. My child, be not a murmurer, since it leads the way to blasphemy. Be neither self-willed nor evil-minded, for out of all these blasphemies are engendered.  Rather, be meek, since the meek shall inherit the earth. Be long-suffering and pitiful and guileless and gentle and good and always trembling at the words which you have heard. You shall not exalt yourself, nor give over-confidence to your soul. Your soul shall not be joined with lofty ones, but with just and lowly ones shall it have its intercourse. Accept whatever happens to you as good, knowing that apart from God nothing comes to pass.

Chapter 4. Various Precepts. 

My child, remember night and day him who speaks the word of God to you, and honor him as you do the Lord. For wherever the lordly rule is uttered, there is the Lord. And seek out day by day the faces of the saints, in order that you may rest upon their words. Do not long for division, but rather bring those who contend to peace. Judge righteously, and do not respect persons in reproving for transgressions. You shall not be undecided whether or not it shall be. Be not a stretcher forth of the hands to receive and a drawer of them back to give. If you have anything, through your hands you shall give ransom for your sins. Do not hesitate to give, nor complain when you give; for you shall know who is the good repayer of the hire. Do not turn away from him who is in want; rather, share all things with your brother, and do not say that they are your own. For if you are partakers in that which is immortal, how much more in things which are mortal? Do not remove your hand from your son or daughter; rather, teach them the fear of God from their youth. Do not enjoin anything in your bitterness upon your bondman or maidservant, who hope in the same God, lest ever they shall fear not God who is over both; for he comes not to call according to the outward appearance, but to them whom the Spirit has prepared. And you bondmen shall be subject to your masters as to a type of God, in modesty and fear. You shall hate all hypocrisy and everything which is not pleasing to the Lord. Do not in any way forsake the commandments of the Lord; but keep what you have received, neither adding thereto nor taking away therefrom. In the church you shall acknowledge your transgressions, and you shall not come near for your prayer with an evil conscience. This is the way of life.

Chapter 5. The Way of Death. 

And the way of death is this: First of all it is evil and accursed: murders, adultery, lust, fornication, thefts, idolatries, magic arts, witchcrafts, rape, false witness, hypocrisy, double-heartedness, deceit, haughtiness, depravity, self-will, greediness, filthy talking, jealousy, over-confidence, loftiness, boastfulness; persecutors of the good, hating truth, loving a lie, not knowing a reward for righteousness, not cleaving to good nor to righteous judgment, watching not for that which is good, but for that which is evil; from whom meekness and endurance are far, loving vanities, pursuing revenge, not pitying a poor man, not laboring for the afflicted, not knowing Him Who made them, murderers of children, destroyers of the handiwork of God, turning away from him who is in want, afflicting him who is distressed, advocates of the rich, lawless judges of the poor, utter sinners. Be delivered, children, from all these.

Chapter 6. Against False Teachers, and Food Offered to Idols. 

See that no one causes you to err from this way of the Teaching, since apart from God it teaches you. For if you are able to bear the entire yoke of the Lord, you will be perfect; but if you are not able to do this, do what you are able. And concerning food, bear what you are able; but against that which is sacrificed to idols be exceedingly careful; for it is the service of dead gods.


Text preceding The Didache copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / The excerpt of The Didache is in the Public Domain, Roberts-Donaldson translation, available on the Early Christian Writings website. You may also listen to a reading of The Didache