35. Be Like a Healthy Fruit Tree

peach tree

As an Orthodox Christian, your inner faith must be expressed in outer action. How you live your life daily reveals the true condition of your heart. A good, healthy fruit tree produces good, healthful fruit in its branches. A fruit tree that does not produce good fruit is neither healthy nor fulfilling its purpose. Purify your heart through prayer and repentance in order to produce good fruit.

Love God first, above all else, and love Him entirely, with your whole being. This is the greatest commandment of the Way. The next greatest commandment is this:  Love your neighbor as yourself. (Who is your neighbor? Whoever needs your love, compassion and kind help.)

Our Lord and Master said, “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.” Therefore, if we love Christ, we must follow His teachings, which keep us on the Way of salvation and in the stream of Life. As an Orthodox Christian, dedicate yourself to behaving the Way that Christ and His Apostles have taught us to behave daily.

Many people in Western society treat the inner life and outer action as though they are two completely separate parts of life. This is especially true with regard to the use of the body. In reality, how you use your body affects your soul. You cannot, for example, live the Way in your soul while using your body for immoral purposes. Learn the virtuous path and be obedient to Christ. Do not, rather, give obedience to the demons or allow the ravenous passion of lust, which is connected to the pleasure of the body, to control your thoughts and actions.

Following the commandments of Christ require humility and obedience. The necessity of these two, humility and obedience, cannot be underestimated. Without them you cannot walk the Way to healing and transformation nor reach your potential and purpose. Humility and obedience, which Christ Himself taught us though both His words and His example, are essential for your progress. Keep these virtues in your heart, in your mind, and in your daily work in the world.

Read: Luke 6.43-49; John 14.15, 23-24; James 2.14-26; Philippians 2.1-16 


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees