57. Take Up Your Sword and Armor


We are all affected by two dimensions of the same universe. We live in an age that acknowledges the most obvious one of these – the physical (material) dimension. The physical aspect of reality can be studied by the scientific method, which investigates the created world through the senses – sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.

The other aspect of the created world is the invisible spiritual (immaterial) dimension, inhabited by the heavenly bodiless powers. These invisible beings include the Holy Angels, the Archangels, who serve as chief messengers and commanders of the heavenly armies, the Principalities, the Powers, the Virtues, the Dominions, the Thrones, the many-eyed Cherubim, and the six-winged Seraphim.

This spiritual dimension is also inhabited by the evil one (that is, the Devil) and his demons, who were once among the heavenly powers. Led by the Devil, the demons misused their freedom of choice to rebel against God. Although they sometimes deceitfully appear as beings of goodness and light, they always intend to harm you, draw you away from the true God, and lead you toward sin and death. 

These two aspects of reality – physical and spiritual – are two sides of the same coin. We can distinguish between the two, but they are not separate. They are intertwined with each other. Throughout history, Archangels and Angels have appeared to human beings. Similarly, the Devil and his demons have made their presence known by visibly appearing to people.

As a human being, you possess both a physical body and a soul. Therefore, you bridge the physical and spiritual worlds. You once belonged to the fallen world, under the dominion and influence of the prince of this world, the Devil. Through your Baptism and Chrismation, you have now been set free and empowered. As an Orthodox Christian, you are a well-equipped solider. Remain aware of the conflict, be watchful for the tactics of your enemy, and know how to win the battle by the Power of God.

Put on the full armor and take up the sword that God has provided you by His Grace. The Holy Angels and Archangels guard and protect us, but our greatest defense and weapon in the war against the created energy of the demonic powers is the Uncreated Energy, that is, the Presence of God Himself. We are weak, but God is stronger than our enemies, whether visible or invisible. 

Real Enlightenment (Illumination), Power, and spiritual riches only come from the True and Living God Himself. Do not be seduced by magical arts, the false gods of foreign religions, fraudulent spiritual practices, or secular ideologies. They may seem to offer divine enlightenment or some other kind of benefit, but the power behind these practices is nothing more than created energy, that is, the power of invisible demons. Do not be seduced by temptations suggested by demons. The attractive promise that following the sinful passions will bring lasting peace, joy, personal growth, and fulfillment is a lie. This blind path often leads to temporary pleasure and superficial happiness, but pollutes the soul with toxic poison. Likewise, do not believe the ego-feeding lie that you are already such a good person, intelligent enough, and spiritually mature enough that you do not need to pray, or to repent, or to practice asceticism, or to hold fully to the Tradition, or to worship with the Church, or to receive the Holy Mysteries, or to be obedient to God.  The demons desire to pull you off the ladder stretching toward heaven and to entice you from the Way of salvation.

The more you progress on the Way, the more you can expect to be attacked by the demons. Victory in war is not easily obtained. Clothing yourself with all that is good, according to the Way, be triumphant in the spiritual battle through prayerful action, in harmony with the will of God and by His Power.

Read: Isaiah 14.12-15; Luke 10.17-18; John 8.31-59; 12.27-33; Ephesians 6.10-20; 2 Corinthians 10.3-6; 1 Timothy 4.1-11; 1 Peter 5.8-9


Text copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees