13. Our Summary Diagnosis


The disease of death shows itself through a variety of interconnected illnesses. Holy Scripture summarizes the effects of death on our human race by describing the how the various consequences affect humanity. These consequences include the darkening of the heart, pride and delusion, misuse of a rational mind disconnected from the heart, forgetfulness of God, the influence of chaotic passions that lead us toward suffering and death, and the struggle to choose good instead of evil.

Near the beginning of his Letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul summarizes the disastrous effects of sin and death on our ancestors in the past. Since we have inherited death, we still experience these affects today. This particular passage (Romans 1.18-32) explains that when our ancestors lost knowledge of the true God, they forgot what it means to be true human beings, made according to the image of God with potential to become like Him. Relationships between the Creator and His creatures, relationships among human beings, the relationships between males and females descended into chaos.

When reading Holy Scripture, understand that the sacred writings sometimes attribute human characteristics, including emotion, to God. The language of God’s wrath in this passage, for example, provides an image humans can understand to describe a Mystery that is beyond understanding. God does not really have anger or wrath, which are human passions, as we do. God is passionless. Besides, the “wrath” of God mentioned is not turned against human beings. The divine wrath is turned against the unnatural sin and death afflicting humankind, which prevents us from receiving the Love and Grace of God and keeps us from following the Way toward our healing, purpose, and potential. Holy Scripture says that God gave us over to do evil, which means that God allowed human beings to turn away from Him and His Way. (God created us with the freedom to choose.) Men and women wanted to follow their own desires, so God permitted them to do so. God is Love. The human being decided to forsake God in order to pursue his own opinions and follow the passions, which lead toward chaos, suffering, and death. (Throughout history, God sent his prophets to remind people that He loved them and desired for them to return from the path of destruction so that they might enjoy goodness and life in relationship with Him.)

If you want to be healed, you need the One Physician who knows your diagnosis perfectly and possesses the Power to cure you from death in both soul and body entirely.

Read: Romans 1.18-32 

Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D.S. Kees

12. What Will I Do?



In our present condition, we do not always use our will correctly. The human will is naturally inclined toward God and operates in harmony with God’s Will. If we follow God’s Will we do what God intends for us to do. When we do what God intends for us to do, we remain true to our human nature, always doing what is good for us and moving toward the fulfillment of our potential and purpose.

This is our problem: We do not personally will to do what God desires for us. Instead of naturally doing good, each person goes through the process of considering the different possible actions and then making a choice to do good or to do evil. Because our knowledge is imperfect, we don’t always know the good way to act. Even when we do know what the good action is, we often still decide to act according to self-will, placing ourselves in opposition to God’s Will. When we do not act in harmony with God’s will, we do what is harmful to our souls. If we keep inclining toward evil choices, we can form a deeply-rooted habit of harmful behavior.


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees







11. The Passions


Death in the soul has given rise to the passions. 

The passions are unnatural movements of the soul. We may understand them as impulses, like love, that were once natural, but have been terribly twisted into unnatural urges, like lust.

The passions may seem natural to us in our present condition. This is delusion.  Using a drug may seem natural to an addict, but it is dangerously unnatural.

The passions are like wild animals in the soul. In the heart, anger roars and lust preys. God created us to rule over the animals, but we cannot now live in harmony with animals. We do not even live in peace with the animals within.

When we allow the passions to guide us, we do not live according to our true spiritual nature. The passions lead us away from our potential as human beings. Through obedience to the passions, acting according to their urging, we behave like lower animals. Instead of following the stream of the divine Will that moves us toward growth in maturity and greater health, we instead allow ourselves to be controlled by animalistic instincts that carry us toward suffering, sickness, and a greater experience of death.


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees

10. Forgetfulness


Chinese moon cakes filled with lotus-seed paste deliciously point us to an old story from Homer’s Odyssey. The hero, Odysseus, and his crew took their ship to land after several days of rough voyaging at sea. Odysseus sent a few men from the ship to meet the natives. The kind inhabitants treated their visitors well and gave them some lotus to eat. The crewmen found the lotus so delicious that they lost all desire to go back to the ship. They stopped caring about returning home. In their dreamy, blissful state, they forgot about everything else except remaining in that same place and eating lotus perpetually.

Odysseus sent a team to retrieve their shipmates from among the Lotus-eaters. Carried back to the ship and tied down, the wayward crewmen bitterly cried at their separation from the lotus. Odysseus ordered the rest of his men back on board quickly. They hurriedly pushed off into the sea to get away from the land of the dangerous, but pleasantly nice, Lotus-eaters.

The lotus in the Chinese mooncake and the lotus in the Greek epic may have nothing in common except a name, but the lotus (whatever kind) serves to remind us of another part of our experience of death – forgetfulness. We have forgotten God in our hearts.

When our ancestors lost the knowledge of God in their hearts, they kept only rational knowledge about God. Over time, this knowledge too slipped away. Within societies and cultures spread throughout the world, human beings developed philosophies, mythologies, religious rituals, and spiritual ideologies. In the place of Truth, they answered their questions about human existence, the seen universe, and the unseen the spiritual realm based on human reason, imagination, and their interaction with their environments. Men and women substituted the Creator’s revelation with their own opinions and mistook the deception of demons for spiritual enlightenment. Our forgetfulness of God has produced spiritual confusion in human history, but also in our own souls and the souls of those around us.

Since God made the human being according to His own Image, how can we know what it means to be true human beings if we have forgotten the true God? How can we become like God if we don’t know who the One is we are supposed to be like?  If we do not remember the true God, we also forget what it means to be human beings. We also forget how to relate to other human beings properly. This forgetfulness creates chaos in relationships, which are intended to nurture love and peace.

In Chinese mythology, Meng Po, the Lady of Forgetfulness, collects a variety of herbs on earth to make her Five-Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness. This Goddess of Amnesia provides her tea to those souls passing through Diyu, the realm of the dead, so that will not remember their previous lives when reincarnated, according to traditional belief. While amnesia forgetting the past, is an important concept in this myth, the practice of anamnesis, remembering or recollecting the past, proves central to a healthful spiritual life. 

A relatively similar Greek myth tells of a river called Lethe. This is the River of Oblivion, that is, the River of Forgetfulness. A river associated with sleep and death, those who drink from its waters forget their lives on earth. The Greek word for forgetfulness (lethe) is the opposite of the word for Truth (aleithia), which means no forgetfulness.

When we forget God, we forget the Truth. We forget the truth about our identity, our purpose, and our potential. If we do not remember, we fall into delusion and error.


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees

9. Mind and Heart Disconnected

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Since the heart is darkened, the rational mind no longer harmoniously aligns with the spiritual intellect of the heart. (Keep in mind that we do not use the word heart to mean emotion as it is often used in our culture.)

We have been created with the ability to reason, but since we have imperfect knowledge, spiritual illness, and disharmony in our relationship to God, we do not always use our reason rightly. In our condition of pride and delusion, we may use our reason to make arguments, sometimes long and complex, to justify our sin in our own minds and to convince other that we are right. The human being can justify terrible ideas and actions through logically consistent steps in reasoning that are based on dangerously false ideas.

However convincing our arguments may be, good-sounding rational arguments cannot really make evil actions good. Upon a foundation of basic assumptions, we can construct a series of strong opinions that together form the ideology by which we understand the world around us. If our foundational assumptions are false, the weak foundation renders the whole structure of our opinions unstable, not resting firmly on solid Truth.

Some basic assumptions about reality cannot be proved by reason alone, but are known to be true through revelation, that is, the spiritual knowledge revealed by the Uncreated One. We are sometimes too confident in our ability to determine what is true and good by using our own reason alone. We need the Light of spiritual insight to illumine the Way for the rational mind. Pride and delusion encourage overconfidence and cause us to complicate simple Truth.


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees