30. The Greeting and Blessing

blessing hand ICXC

The proper way to greet a Bishop or a Priest is to make a bow, reaching toward the floor, then, standing upright again, place your right hand inside your left hand, palms up. When greeting the Bishop, say, Bless, Master. When greeting a priest, say instead, Bless, Father. The Bishop or Priest will bless you by making the sign of the Cross over you with his right hand. He will then place his hand in your open hands. You respond by kissing his hand with reverence.

During the blessing, the fingers of the Bishop or Priest form a configuration representing the Greek letters IC XC, an ancient abbreviation of the Name of Jesus Christ. The blessing offered by the Bishop and Priest is the blessing of Jesus Christ. They have been given authority to bless as ministers of Jesus Christ within His Holy Church.

Why do you kiss the hand of the Bishop or Priest? Since they hold Apostolic Succession, being part of a spiritual and historical genealogy originating with Christ’s original Twelve Apostles, when you kiss their hands, you are venerating the Holy Apostles. You are showing respect for the Holy Priesthood, which God has placed on earth for your salvation. You are therefore reverencing the hands set apart to touch Holy Things and honoring the sacred ministry established to bring all people into the healing, life-giving experience of the Living God.

Requesting a blessing from the Bishop or Priest is especially appropriate whenever you wish to do something in a spirit of obedience. For example, you may ask your Priest for a special blessing to begin a new project within the Church or to significantly change certain practical aspects of your own prayer and ascetic effort. 

When Priests greet the Bishop, they do so in the same way a lay person does. The Priests are in obedience to the Bishop, serve under his authority, and act according to his blessing. (When the Bishop is present, the Priest does not bless people, but rather the Bishop offers all blessings.)

When Priests greet each other they kiss each other’s hands, each recognising the Apostolic succession of the other as brothers in the Holy Priesthood.

Seek to do all things in humble obedience in good order with a blessing from God.

Read: Genesis 14.17-20; 27.28-29; Numbers 6.22-27;  Matthew 10.1-15; Luke 24.50-53; John 20.19-23; 2 Corinthians 13.14; Ephesians 6.23-24


Text copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees

(Posted originally in February 2018, but moved to be an earlier lesson.)