82. Your Home Altar

Altar table in office

In your home, prepare a place for daily prayer. You can, of course, pray anywhere at any time, but set apart a special place where you can go to calm yourself in silence, collect your thoughts, focus your heart on God, and pray. Ideally, your space should be oriented toward the east, but practical matters, such as placement of windows and doors, often dictate the best placement. The space can be simple, such as a shelf or small table with an icon of Christ, a candle, Holy Scripture, and your prayer book. When you receive blessed items from the Church throughout the year, like holy water, flowers, and palm branches, place them on your altar. 

Let your home altar be a place for you to begin and end your day in prayer. When you are stressed or anxious, go there and stand before the One who loves, cares, helps, strengthens, and heals you. Whenever you pass by it, be reminded to pray. Between the times you gather with fellow Orthodox believers at the church temple for prayer and worship, prepare yourself at your home altar. Make this space the most important place for you and your family in your home in appearance and actual practice.


Text copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / Image copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees