86. The Lunar Lamp

moon moonlight

When you see the moon, especially in its full phase as night, remember our ministry as the Church, and your own individual purpose, to serve as light upon a world blinded by darkness.

You cannot reach your potential if you allow yourself to be obscured by the shadows of the world, that is, the sin, ignorance, and distractions around us. Remain full and bright through repentance, prayer, and the full Life of the Church. Reflect the Light of Christ so that your life may provide the much-needed light of Love and Truth to others. When the night is darkest, the eyes need light most to see the Way.

Read: Genesis 1.16; Psalm 8; 148.3-6; Wisdom of Sirach 43.1-10; Matthew 5.14-16


Text copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees