26. You are in Good Company


The Holy Orthodox Church is a Mystery, whole, pure, and perfect. She is the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, and the living Temple of God on Earth, indwelled by the Holy Spirit. Individual members of the Church, however, are only personally whole, pure, and perfect to the extent that they have immersed themselves into the Mystery of the Church, the Fountain of Divine Grace, and have been healed and perfected, becoming like Christ.

The Orthodox Church is a Hospital whose patients demonstrate various degrees of sickness and health. Some have achieved tremendous improvement as model patients and others progress slowly in the Intensive Care Unit. 

The disease of death in our hearts affects our rational minds and behaviors. Members of the Church are not only patients in the Hospital, but we are all psychiatric patients. (The root of the word psychiatric actually refers to the soul.) Pride makes us delusional, causing us to think we are better than other people. We do not see others as our neighbors. Even though we know that that our lives should be oriented entirely toward God at every moment, we are often irrationally distracted by the passions and temporary things in the world. We know what we should do, but we do the opposite of what is right, good, and nurturing for the soul.  

Since the Orthodox Church is the Hospital, do not be surprised to find its floors full of sick people. Where else should sick people go? Although we are affected by death, too, we may be tempted to judge others as unspiritual hypocrites. If someone does suffer from hypocrisy, the Church is where he should be! Perhaps in the past, this person possessed far worse symptoms, but, through the therapeutic life of the Church, he has made tremendous progress. If he is aware of his sickness, he may be improving. If he is not yet aware, be patient with him and pray for him.

A cancer patient in a hospital should not complain that the hospital is full of cancer patients, nor judge others for being sick and week. Since we all suffer from the effects of death, we are in good company among other sick people. Be understanding, compassionate, and lenient with other people. Regarding yourself, be attentive to carefully follow the physician’s instructions.  Even though the Physician and Hospital are perfect and lacking nothing, you will not heal if you refuse treatment or fail to follow the therapy prescribed for you. Keep your eyes on your own sins and symptoms and let other patients worry about their own personal failings. You have enough problems of your own to keep you occupied. Keep in mind how much patience and love God has for you so that you remember to extend the same to others.

The Mystery of the Church is where we find spiritual sanity and a clear spiritual vision of the world. It is also where we find the Way to attain sanity and clarity. Attend to your healing so that you may be in good company with the Saints, the members of the Church who have already been healed and perfected. As you work toward your salvation, they offer their help by the examples they showed us while living on Earth and by their present prayers beyond the earthly life near the throne of God.


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees


21. Holy Pentecost & the Mystical Church


Before His Ascension into heaven, Jesus Christ revealed to His Disciples that after He ascended from the earth, the Holy Spirit would descend to them on earth. Ten days after Christ’s Ascension (and fifty days after His Resurrection), the Holy Spirit suddenly descended in power upon the Twelve, gathered together.

A strong, roaring wind from heaven swiftly rushed into the presence of the Disciples. Fire in the form of tongues rested over each of them. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit enabled them. As Christ had promised, the Holy Spirit enlightened the spiritual intellect of the Disciples, leading them into all Truth, and empowered them to carry out their mission fully as Apostles throughout the world. (This is event is called Holy Pentecost.) 

The Apostle Peter stood up and explained to a crowd of assembled people from all kinds of different countries and cultures that this event they were witnessing had been foretold centuries before by the Holy Prophets. Although Peter spoke in his own language, by the power of the Holy Spirit each person understood his words in their own native language. This miraculous sign showed that God called all humanity together, united in Truth and Love within His Church, that we might be healed and receive the fulness of Life.

Holy Pentecost is regarded as the birthday of the Church, yet the Church has existed since the beginning. The Church is like a tree that gradually stretched upward through the ages of history until it reached its height, stretching out its strong, broad branches, covering itself in bright flowers, and producing an abundance of sweet, nourishing fruit by the Life-Giving Power of the Holy Spirit.

What is the Church? The Church is a Mystery beyond comprehension. Its depth cannot be reached and its height cannot be measured. The Church is communion with God. It is the heavenly Paradise planted on earth with the Tree of Life at its center. Heaven and earth meet and mingle within the Church. The Church is the assembly of those who belong to Christ, the community of His disciples. It bears His Name: The Church of Jesus Christ. She is a nurturing Mother and a family that cares for one another as children of the ever-loving Father. The Church is the pure Bride of Christ, united with Him in love, and the Body of Christ, carrying out His work on earth. It is the Holy Temple of God, where the true and living God lives on earth. Inhabited and guided by the Holy Spirit, Who knows all things, the Church is the solid foundation of Truth and the Light of Truth in a world darkened by confusion and ignorance.

The Church is one. Only a single Church exists in the universe, uniting all its members. The Church is holy. It is pure and perfect, made sacred by God and lacking nothing. The Church is catholic. It is complete and whole, encompassing the entire Way of Life, containing the whole Truth, and embracing all those who belong to it in all places and all times. The Church is apostolic. Built upon the bedrock of the Holy Disciples and Apostles, every generation of the Church preserves, lives, and transmits the complete, undefiled Apostolic Faith entrusted to them. The Church is orthodox. It holds together correct belief, keeping the Truth that God has revealed, and correct worship, glorifying the true and living God well with a pure heart.

The Church is a gift of Love. When the Divine Physician ascended into heaven, He did not leave us to follow the Way alone, but gave us His Church for our salvation. The Church, filled with the Life-Giving Spirit, is the Hospital on earth that God Himself has established for us that we might be healed.

The healthy, perfected human being is someone who personally lives as a temple of God, whose heart has been enlightened by the Holy Spirit, who is moved and guided on the Way of Life by the Spirit, and whose daily life shows the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. As the Hospital for the soul, the Church contains the complete holistic lifestyle, therapy, and medicine each of us needs to fulfill our potential and purpose.

Now that you have seen what Christ has accomplished of us as human beings, it is time for you to learn exactly what this means for you personally.

Read: John 16.5-13; Acts 1.4-8; 2.1-47; 4.32-5.16; Luke 10.25-37; 1 Timothy 3.14-16; 1 Peter 2.1-9; Ephesians 2.19-22; 5.17-33; 1 Corinthians 3.16; 6.18-20; 12.12-26; Revelation 12


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees

20. The Holy Ascension & Future Return


After His Resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ said to His Disciples,

All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28.16-20, NKJV)

Forty days after Christ’s Resurrection from the dead, the Disciples witnessed their Lord being taken up into heaven. They watched Him go up until a cloud hid Him from their sight. (This is called the Holy Ascension.) Although as God, the Son had always been seated on the heavenly throne with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God loved us so much that after raising our human nature to immortality, He proceeded further to lift up our human nature to the heights of heaven. Having ascended into heaven, Jesus Christ sat down our human nature at the right hand of God the Father, that is, in the place of highest honor with God.

At the end of the present age, at the conclusion of time, our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ will return to earth from heaven in all His radiant Glory. At His return, Christ will raise all the dead and judge the world as the Holy King. Our Divine Physician Who came to save the world from death and accomplished everything that we might be healed, will receive into eternal Life all those who have believed in Him and who have submitted to be healed by His Grace. Through His Holy Ascension, Jesus Christ  has shown us our ultimate and never-ending potential and purpose as human beings. 

Read: Luke 24.50-53; Acts 1.9-11; Mark 16.14-20; Matthew 28.16-20; Ephesians 1.15-21; Mark 13.24-27; Matthew 25.31-46; 26.57-68; Romans 2.1-16; Revelation 20.11-18; 21.23-27; 22.1-5


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees


19. The Holy Resurrection of Jesus Christ



After He died, Jesus Christ’s pure body was taken down from the Cross, wrapped in fine linen with spices, and placed in a new tomb that was sealed with a large stone. After three days, an angel removed the stone door and announced that Christ was risen from the dead. The women reported what they saw to the skeptical Disciples. Peter and John ran to the tomb, discovering that the body of Jesus had vanished, but the grave clothes that had been wrapped around His body remained. 

Three days after Christ’s death and burial, when His Disciples had gathered together behind locked doors, their Master suddenly appeared in front of them. He showed them the scars of crucifixion in His hands and side. Christ ate some food in order to prove that He was not a spirit or ghost, but physically alive.

The Disciple Thomas had been absent the first time Christ showed Himself to the other Disciples. After hearing his brothers talk about what they had witnessed, Thomas declared that He would not believe Jesus was raised from the dead unless he could investigate Christ’s wounds himself. A week later, Christ appeared again to the Disciples, including Thomas. When he saw Jesus Christ alive, the once-skeptical Disciple proclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” Over the course of forty days, Christ appeared at various times, showing Himself convincingly to be alive, the first-born immortal from among the dead.

Through the Holy Resurrection of Jesus Christ, God raised up our human nature to immortality. Christ did not exist the gave as a mortal, but was raised to immortality in a newly spiritualized physical body incapable of being touched by death again. Because Christ has brought immortality to the human nature we all share, at the end of time the soul of each human being will be reunited with the body, a body raised to immortality that is both spiritual and physical. Those who put their trust in Jesus Christ, the Immortal One, and follow His Way will live with God eternally in the kingdom of heaven after the general resurrection of the dead at the end of the age.

Every year at Pascha (called Easter in the West), we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. During the celebration, we sing, Christ is Risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and upon those in the tombs bestowing life! This hymn proclaims with joy the reason that we follow Christ. Why does the Way of Holy Orthodoxy matter? Simply put, because “Christ is Risen!” As our Physician, Jesus Christ has conquered death in the soul and body on behalf of us all so that we too can share in His accomplishment and be completely healed from the disease of death with all its destructive effects.

Read: John 5.25-29; 20.1-21.14; Luke 24.1-12; Matthew 28.9-15; Luke 13-49; 1 Corinthians 15.1-28, 35-58.


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / Mosaic icon by Aidan Hart in St. George Orthodox Church, Houston, TX

18. The Crucifixion of Christ


At the appointed time, Jesus Christ entered the city of Jerusalem to submit to suffering and death. Soldiers twisted a crown of thorns and placed it on His head. They nailed his hands and feet to a wooden Cross and raised up his body for all to see. A sign above his head mocked him as a false king. Christ’s enemies did not realize that He had entered into the world for the purpose of ascending the Cross for the salvation of our human race.  

In His human nature, Christ suffered and died on the Cross, but in His divine nature as God, suffering and death cannot touch Him. The Cross killed a man, but with this Cross, the King of All crushed the power of death. We speak poetically of the Mystery of the Cross: Although Hades (the place of the dead) took a body, it came face to face with the infinite God. Hades swallowed up a body it has seen, but it was destroyed by the uncontainable God it had not seen.

Through the Cross, death was changed to life. The old Adam had died by death because He had rebelliously eaten from the forbidden Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but the New Adam trampled down death by death through obedienceChrist transformed the Cross bearing His body into the Tree of Life, planted on the earth for the healing of all who would share in its Life-Giving Fruit.

On the Cross, Christ again showed us an image of what a healed human person looks like. The perfected human being is victorious through humility, transforming that which is meant to crush and destroy into something beneficial and healthful. A healed person, united with God, is moved by self-denying love.

Jesus Christ is both our Divine Physician and our only saving Antidote. He alone is capable of saving us from death. 

Read: John 19; Philippians 2.1-11


Text copyright © 2017 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / Mosaic icon by Aidan Hart in St. George Orthodox Church, Houston, TX