59. The Mystery of Holy Confession

confession priest

Restore the purity of your Baptismal robe by entering into the Mystery of Holy Confession, also called the Mystery of Repentance. Stand before God.  Your Priest will stand with you as a brother (a fellow sinner) and as a spiritual father. Confess your sins to God with honesty, humility, sincere sorrow, and a firm desire to leave your sins forever behind. Keep in mind that God already knows everything you have done. By confessing your sins, you admit your shameful failures to yourself and to God, and allow God to release you from the heavy chains that bind you and weigh you down.

During Confession, it is important that you only confess your own sins, not the sins of another. You are not responsible for someone else’s sins against you, but your own behavior. You do not need to tell a story during Confession. Simply confess the sins by specifically naming those sins that you have committed in thought, word, and deed, whether intentionally or unintentionally. Remember, you do not sin generally, but you commit specific sins. 

Do not wallow in despair because of your failure, but be quick to repent. God’s love and forgiveness is always greater than your sin. God does not want to punish you for your sin, but He desires for you to be healed, for you to grow closer to Him and to become more like Him, and for you to be full of joy and peace. Turn away from your failure, leave your sin behind you in the past, and return to the Way that leads to Life. Through the prayers of your Priest, walk away from the time of your Confession purified and forgiven with the strength to make progress on the Way. 

During your Confession, your Priest may offer guidance to help you heal and avoid falling into the same treacherous behaviors again. As a physician becomes acquainted with a patient through repeated clinical visits over time, the Priest can get to know you and your struggles over time. Be attentive to his spiritual guidance for the benefit of your salvation.

Read: Psalm 50 (51); 104 (103); Ezekiel 33.11; Matthew 6.14-15; Luke 11.1-4; 15.11-32; John 20.19-23; James 5.16-20; Galatians 6.1-2; 1 John 1.1-2.29


Text copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees