99. The Spiral Ascent


When you have learned these basic lessons on the Tao of Holy Orthodoxy, it is time to return to the beginning so that you may learn the basic principles again. The Way is like a path that spirals up a mountain, around and around. You look out and pass by the same scenery as you make a circle, but each time you see with a different, higher perspective. Deepen your knowledge, cultivate the purity of your heart, and perfect your skill as you ascend the Heavenly Mountain.

You will return again and again to the same readings of Holy Scripture, the familiar counsels of the Fathers, the restatements of our unchaining doctrines, the repeated instructions on virtuous action, the well-worn ancient prayers, and the repetitious Divine Services, echoing through the centuries and across the world. Yet, these things never grow old because they are part of our Life in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit refreshes and renews us so that we grow, mature, and ascend higher and higher toward the fulfilment of our potential and purpose.

Be careful that you do not fill your rational mind with information, but neglect acquisition of the superior knowledge of the heart. In the beginning, a student may ask rationally interesting questions about the Faith, but as he matures, his questions should become more practical inquiries about his salvation. A beginner may ask, “What kind of fruit grew on the Tree of Life?” A mature person asks, “Since I’m a sinner, how can I pray more attentively, more thoroughly repent of my sins, and follow Christ more obediently so that I may more worthily partake of the Tree of Life?” In other words, “How can I be saved?”

Do not ever think that you have exhausted your knowledge of the simple, fundamental aspects of the Way. When does a human being know enough about repentance through experience? When does someone pray enough without need for more perfect prayer? How could you say, “I don’t need any more instructions on humility because I never read or hear anything on it that I don’t already know,” when you have not put into practice what you claim to already know.

The Way is simple, but difficult. This is why God offers you the guidance and help you need through His Holy Church. Make progress with humility and repentance. Ascend the Mountain with determination and strength.

Read: Psalm 15, 24; Ezekiel 28.1-19; 1 Corinthians 3.1-3; 8.1-3; Hebrews 12.22-24; 1 Peter 2.1-3

Text copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees / Image copyright © 2018 by Fr. Symeon D. S. Kees